We are a well utilized, highly respected community resource that provides emergency shelter for women and children, in-house and community educational and outreach services. Since 1991 we've provided a safe, supportive environment for women in abusive situations both with and without children. We believe that you have the right to be treated with dignity, respect and compassion without judgement.
Women’s Shelter
Emergency accommodations - safe, secure facility monitored and staffed 24 hours/day for a maximum of 21 women and children. The shelter features basic necessities -(shelter, food, emergency clothing, medicines, etc.) Lay counselling and supported referrals and in-house programming sessions.
Lynne’s House
Lynne's House is a 2nd stage facility physically connected to Hope Haven Women's Shelter. It offers a continuum of services and is an extended, longer-term program that offers supported independent living in a secure facility for women and children. Cost efficient, unique, rural solution that enables Hope Haven Society to offer 2 apartment units, and appropriate programming, in a secure building with security systems
Lac La Biche and Area Family Violence Program
A community-designed family violence program using evidence-based programming to help families heal from domestic violence, resolve interpersonal conflicts peacefully and build healthy relationships.

We Can Help.
Everyone has the right to live a life free of abuse. Let us help you. Call us anytime, day or night.
For 24/7 crises support call 780-623-3100 or toll-free at 1-866-331-3933. If you are in immediate danger, call 911. You can also find out general information about women's shelters in our province by visiting the Alberta Council of Women's Shelters.
What does your donation do? It changes lives. When we talk about successes, it doesn't get more basic than the fact that we save lives and break the cycle of violence. By donating, you are letting women know that they are not alone and that violence against women will not be tolerated.

It all started when…
In September 1991 Hope Haven opened it’s doors in a single family home that could accommodate up to 5 women and children. In 2004 we opened the building that we are currently in, and built an addition in 2011. Hope Haven’s emergency shelter can now accommodate up to 21 women and children, and our addition of a Second Stage shelter allows 2 at-risk families to reside for up to 1 year. In November 2017 we had the grand opening for our new Supported Transitional Housing. These units provide families with support while transitioning into the community.